

Interview with Adam Schiff

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Newsweek Cover April 26, 2019

New York -- Adam Schiff was angry. It was late March, and Attorney General William Barr had just released his summary of the special counsel's Russiagate report, deflating many Democrats' hopes for impeachment. Republicans, led by President Donald Trump, had spent the past few days trumpeting the finding of "no collusion" and then ridiculing Schiff, head of the House Intelligence Committee and one of the president's fiercest critics, for continuing to press the case against Trump.

Now, in Schiff's own committee room, one by one, GOP members savaged him, demanding his resignation. Representative Michael Turner of Ohio even invoked the red-hunting legacy of Senator Joseph McCarthy, who had brought national disgrace "chasing after Russian Communists" in the 1950s. "Now, we have Schiff chasing Russian collusion," Turner said.

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